1)Restore healthy vaginal PH;
2)Treat yeast infections and bacterial vagina (within hours);
3)Eliminate discomfort due to itching & burning;
4)Eliminate odor and abnormal discharge;
5)Cleanses & Tightens,Naturally lubricate the vagina.
1)Wash hands first;
2)Insert 1~2 capsules into your vagina during bedtime and push it as far up the canal to avoid it
slipping out;
3)Wear a pantyliner, as capsules will dissolve within hours. Once dissolved you will notice that
you are wet and slippery. (do not worry this is the detox process);
4)Effects last from 20 to 30 days;
5)Insert a new suppository every day for 4~5 days.
You Will Love Our Capsules: It is not a magic pill,but must be part of your daily feminine regimen.
A beautiful, healthy yoni starts with one capsule used daily.
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